Aug 13, 2021
Dear Faculty and Staff,
Please find below important information regarding weekly COVID-19 testing procedures for the Fall 2021 semester.
Weekly surveillance testing is required for all faculty and staff who are not fully vaccinated or who prefer not to provide proof of vaccination:
Aug 13, 2021
Dear Students,
We’re excited to welcome you back for the Fall 2021 semester! As we return to campus, SUNY Morrisville continues to take as many sensible steps as we can to protect the health and safety of students, faculty, staff, visitors and our surrounding communities, while also providing the critical applied learning and teaching that is SUNY Morrisville’s mission.
Aug 06, 2021
Dear students, faculty and staff,
With the health and safety of the campus community remaining our top priority, I am writing to you to provide an important update to SUNY Morrisville’s COVID-19 policies.
As we are poised to begin the next academic year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released new guidance in light of the rising COVID-19 rates due to the highly contagious Delta variant.

Jul 30, 2021
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — As a student, John Derouchey benefited from myriad experiences in SUNY Morrisville’s renewable energy program.
The field work, hands-on learning, networking and faculty expertise packed his portfolio, giving him a full plate of opportunities when he graduated among the college’s first cohort of renewable energy bachelor of technology degree students in 2013.

Jul 21, 2021
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — SUNY Morrisville welcomes Anthony “Tony” Contento as its new dean of the School of Agriculture, Business & Technology.
Jun 29, 2021
Dear faculty and staff,
I want to thank you all again for the vital role you have played throughout the past year. I hope you are as excited as I am to see a thriving SUNY Morrisville campus community this fall.
Jun 16, 2021
SUNY Morrisville recently announced the President's List and Dean's List honorees for the Spring 2021 semester.
May 28, 2021
Dear Campus Community,
As announced last week, students and employees who are fully vaccinated are no longer required to participate in weekly surveillance testing during summer break. Individuals who are not fully vaccinated remain required to test weekly.
May 21, 2021
Dear students, family and friends,
Congratulations to all of this year’s SUNY Morrisville graduates! To celebrate the Class of 2021, the SUNY Morrisville 2021 Virtual Commencement experience will be available tomorrow, May 22, at 1 p.m., and on-demand anytime afterward.
May 21, 2021
Dear Campus Community,
The State University of New York (SUNY) has provided updated guidance regarding weekly COVID-19 testing procedures for SUNY campuses. Effective immediately, students and employees who are fully vaccinated are no longer required to participate in weekly surveillance testing during the summer. Individuals who are not fully vaccinated remain required to test weekly.
May 14, 2021
We have received results from all pooled saliva testing conducted Tuesday, May 11, resulting in three (3) positive pools this week: Residential Students (2) and Commuter Students (1). Affected individuals have been informed and precautionary quarantine notices have been sent out.
Reflex testing results also have been received and case investigation and contact tracing has been conducted. All other pools were negative.

May 12, 2021
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — SUNY Morrisville once again has been honored for its commitment to effective urban forest management, receiving 2020 Tree Campus Higher Education recognition by the Arbor Day Foundation.
May 07, 2021
Today represents a remarkable confluence of two important national recognition weeks, both very important to SUNY Morrisville.
May 06, 2021
We know the past 13 months have been challenging for our students, especially when it comes to your mental health. The pandemic has exacerbated mental health struggles among young adults, with 1 in 4 people aged 18-24 contemplating suicide in 2020 as compared to 1 in 10 in 2018. This is a tragic statistic that SUNY is taking seriously and working to address.
It is more critical than ever to provide mental health supports to our students — and you can be part of the solution.
Apr 30, 2021
We have received results from all pooled saliva testing conducted Tuesday, April 27, resulting in four (4) positive pools this week: Commuter Students (2) and Residential Students (2).
Affected individuals have been informed and precautionary quarantine notices have been sent out. Case investigation and contact tracing will begin once reflex testing results are available. All other pools were negative.
Apr 19, 2021
Our continued thanks to all SUNY Morrisville students and employees for your ongoing participation in our required weekly pooled saliva testing. It has greatly assisted in the college’s ongoing mission of providing the safest possible learning and working environment for our students, faculty and staff.
Please continue to follow safe practices to help stomp out COVID-19.
Apr 16, 2021
Results also now available in testing app
We have received results from all pooled saliva testing conducted Tuesday, April 13, resulting in three (3) positive pools this week.
Affected individuals have been informed and precautionary quarantine notices have been sent out. Case investigation and contact tracing will begin once reflex testing results are available. All other pools were negative.
Apr 13, 2021
Dear Mustangs,
As recently announced, the SUNY Morrisville 2021 Commencement will be held virtually on Saturday, May 22. SUNY Morrisville is proud of all of our 2021 graduates and we are making every effort to provide a memorable commencement that celebrates this monumental achievement, while continuing to prioritize the health and safety of our campus community.
Apr 12, 2021
Results also now available in testing app
We have received results from all pooled saliva testing conducted Tuesday, April 6. All pools were negative.
A friendly reminder that you now have the ability to find your individual weekly test results through the testing registration app. When your latest test results are available, an email will be sent directly to you from the Clarifi COVID-19 Team.
Apr 12, 2021
Our continued thanks to all SUNY Morrisville students and employees for your ongoing participation in our required weekly pooled saliva testing. It has greatly assisted in the college’s ongoing mission of providing the safest possible learning and working environment for our students, faculty and staff.
Apr 07, 2021
Dear Mustangs,
I want to thank you all for your efforts throughout the past year. It has been a challenging time like no other we have ever experienced and we could not have persevered without you. Through these countless challenges, we continue to prove that we are #MustangStrong.
Today, I also am proud to announce that SUNY Morrisville is All In for the Fall 2021 semester.

Apr 02, 2021
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — Take a drive to Nelson Farms County Store, in Nelson, and pick up a bottle of Cow Tippin’ Steak Sauce. Students in Assistant Professor Scott Colby’s distribution & marketing of agricultural products class at SUNY Morrisville rebranded the tasty product and earned an award for their marketing plan.
Apr 02, 2021
Results also now available in testing app
We have received results from all pooled saliva testing conducted Tuesday, March 30, resulting in one (1) positive pool this week. Affected individuals were informed and precautionary quarantine notices were sent out.
Reflex testing results also have been received and case investigation and contact tracing is now underway. All other pools were negative.
Apr 01, 2021
Dear Students,
With many openings still available, the Madison County Department of Health is allowing anyone 16 years of age or older to schedule a COVID-19 vaccination appointment at clinics being held on campus today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) at Hamilton Hall. If you would like to schedule an appointment, you can do so through the Madison County Department of Health website.