Equine Science B.Tech.

Equine student with her horse

Turn your lifelong passion into a marketable career path.

If you have always loved and cared for horses (or even if you have just dreamed about them!), our Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) degree program in equine science will open the path for you to work in many equine careers while concentrating on horse breeding, training, nutrition and management.

Program at a Glance
Years to Complete
Approx. Credit Hours

The program allows you to specialize in one of the following concentrations:

  • Equine science and management (hunt seat, western, or draft concentration)
  • Breeding management
  • Equine rehabilitation and therapy
  • Equine business management

Whatever your choice, you will get to work one-on-one with a selection of nearly 200 horses on site while experiencing some of the finest equine facilities in the country.

SUNY Morrisville’s state-of-the-art Equine Rehabilitation Center (ERC) showcases the college’s signature equine facilities. One of few publicly accessible equine rehabilitation facilities in the Northeast, the ERC offers equipment and rehabilitation techniques to keep healthy horses conditioned, and to help injured equine athletes recover post-injury or post-surgery.

Additional equine facilities include the SUNY Morrisville Equine Breeding and Training Center, which serves as a breeding and hunter/jumper facility, as well as the Equine Center, which features the nation’s only half-mile harness racing track on a college campus.

During your senior year, you will receive real-world, hands-on experience in the industry through a full-semester, 15-credit internship.

Enhance your college experience even further by joining any one of our numerous student clubs, such as Collegiate FFA or the Livestock Club, or come try out for the Western or Hunt Seat equestrian riding teams.

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Alumna Rachel Rodriguez and her horse

Rachel Rodriguez '15

Alumna, Equine Science B.Tech.
I can’t say enough great things about this program. Hands-on. Hands-on. Hands-on. If you or someone you know is looking for a college with an equine program, I strongly encourage looking into Morrisville! The professors truly care about you and want to help you succeed! I felt very prepared to go out into the field and start a career in the horse world! (Which has ultimately, in a very indirect way, led me to where I am today, two semesters away from my master's.)

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