EOP Student Expectations
“The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is intended to benefit first-time college students whose past educational experiences and deprived life circumstances have resulted in levels of academic preparation and achievement that do not fully reflect their potential, but who, with adequate support, can succeed in higher education.” (Educational Opportunity Program Guidelines, p. 8). Furthermore, the EOP office at SUNY Morrisville helps students become active participants in their own academic success so that they can maximize the benefit of our services. Academic success is defined by measurable outcomes and effort that lead to retention and eventual progress towards graduation. As such, EOP students at SUNY Morrisville are expected to:
- Maintain a minimum cumulative 2.25 GPA
- Demonstrate maximum effort in the completion of all assigned academic work;
- Regularly attend all scheduled classes;
- Regularly attend scheduled “All EOP” meetings;
- Attend all scheduled EOP counselor advisor meetings;
- Schedule visits to instructors, tutors, and professors during scheduled office hours
- Log at least 20 hours of tutoring services