There is financial aid available for the summer sessions. In order to receive aid for summer, the following must be taken into consideration:
- You must be admitted into a degree program.
- All summer courses MUST be applicable to your current degree program in order to receive aid.
- Any Federal Direct Student Loans you receive in the summer will reduce your loan eligibility during the academic year or in a subsequent year.
- Any Federal Pell Grant you receive in the summer may reduce your Pell eligibility during the academic year or in a subsequent year.
- Taking courses at another college? To receive aid for those courses, you must complete the Cross Registration process on the Registrar page. To be aid eligible, the course must transfer back into your degree program. Be prepared to pay for your course upfront and be reimbursed by aid later; not all schools participate in this process, especially during summer. Be sure to check with the other school for their policy when signing up for the courses.
The Summer Financial Aid Application deadline for Summer 2025 is May 30, 2025.
There are several types of financial aid available for summer study. There are different eligibility criteria for each fund type, see the summer aid application for details.
- Federal Pell Grant
- Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
- Federal Direct Parent Loan
- Private loans and other third-party grants
Your eligibility for each program will be determined by a member of the Financial Aid staff.
To apply for Summer financial aid:
- File the 2025-2026 FAFSA form.
- Provide us with any additional documentation that is required. Watch your email for notices and check your Web for Students Account for financial aid requirements.
- File your TAP application with NYS HESC.
- Meet with your Academic Advisor and schedule your summer courses.
- Complete the SUNY Morrisville summer financial aid application. Be sure to read all of the guidelines, have it signed by your advisor or dean and submit the completed form to your school office.
- Log in to your Web for Student account to review the summer billing information and confirm your enrollment for summer.
- Check your email for follow-up notifications from the Financial Aid Office.
- Once your summer financial aid has been determined, you must accept or decline the awards offered to you and pay any remaining balance due on your account.
- Be sure to check your email for updates! Your summer registration will not be official until you confirm your enrollment and the bill is either covered by financial aid or paid in full.
School Codes
Federal: 002859
TAP (Associate Degree): 3030
TAP (Bachelor Degree): 6030