Recognition Process for New Clubs

SUNY Morrisville students are encouraged to form clubs and to sponsor activities which provide social, cultural, educational and recreational opportunities for members of the college community.  These clubs must be recognized by SUNY Morrisville and operate in a manner consistent with SGO and college policy and procedure.  Membership shall be limited to the SUNY Morrisville academic community.  Race, ethnicity, age, gender, color, handicap, creed, religion, national origin, sex or sexual orientation, veteran status, etc., shall not be a basis for denial of membership.  Anyone participating on a regular basis shall be considered a member.  Individual club constitutions will further define conditions for active membership.  There are two separate processes that take place for most clubs.  The first is to be recognized by the College and the second is to be chartered by SGO.  The following information must be submitted to form a new club:

  1. Complete a New Club Recognition Form.
  2. Club officer roster (see "Advising" section).
  3. An accepted constitution.

Submit the New Club Recognition Form and a proposed constitution to the SGO Office or the Student Activities Office located in the basement of the Student Activities Building.

  1. After SGO receives these materials, the following process begins:
    1. SGO reviews the constitution.
    2. If changes are necessary, the constitution will be sent back to the club for resubmission.
    3. The constitution is passed to the Director of Student Activities for review.  This step typically runs concurrently with step a. 
    4. If changes are necessary, the constitution will be sent back to SGO and then to the club for resubmission.
    5. The Director of Student Activities will pass the constitution to the Vice President for Student Affairs’ Office for College approval.
    6. If changes are necessary, the constitution will be sent back to SGO and then to the club for resubmission.
    7. Once approved by the College, the club will be asked to give a brief presentation at an SGO Assembly meeting.  After the presentation and a question and answer period, the SGO Assembly will vote to recognize the club into SGO.  If the vote is passed, the club will be recognize/chartered by SGO.
    8. Once a club has been recognized and chartered it must submit copies of its monthly meeting minutes, keep current Club Officer Roster on file in SGO, and attend the weekly SGO meetings to maintain its active status in the SGO.

Club Funding

All new clubs will be budgeted a maximum of $350.00 during its first year.  The following spring, student clubs and organizations are asked to develop their budgets for the following year.  The process and budget request form are handed out at the beginning of the spring semester. 

There are also non-budgeted funding sources available for clubs and organizations.

  • Unrestricted funds
  • Clubs & Competition
  • CAB Club Grant
  • 95% Rule

All clubs are also encouraged to supplement their budgets with fundraisers. 

For more information, help or questions about starting a new club please contact Rita Goyette, Director of Student Activities in the Student Activities Office.
