Welcome to SUNY Morrisville! This is the place for you to pursue your personal and academic goals, and realize your dreams and ambitions.
College life is exciting, but you should also keep this in mind: there will be challenges along the way. Here are a few tips and recommendations that will help you get the most out of your college experience.
Tip 1: Make the best use of your time.
You are independent now. You are in charge of your own time! Being responsible to yourself is the first step to success. Make sure you attend all your classes every week. (Yes, even that 8:00 a.m. class!) Attendance is a crucial part of any college course.
Learn to use a planner to be in charge of your time and meet deadlines. Effective time management skills will make a big difference.
Tip 2: Develop your support system.
Develop your support system by making new friends. Here, you will meet people from all over the world. Your classmates share your goal of earning a degree and your aspirations for a bright future.
Talk to the upperclassmen for advice–which courses did they like the best? Which professors do they recommend? Participate in a wide variety of activities and make an effort to meet new people. It’s always good to know you’ll have someone by your side when you are feeling down or when you need encouragement.
It’s also important to develop your academic support system by meeting with your professors, advisor(s), and other mentors on a regular basis. We’re here to support you every step of the way. You can ask us anything you’d like to know about improving your undergraduate career and you can bounce ideas off of us to help you make informed decisions. We would love to see you succeed and building a relationship with us is the best way for us to know you and to support you.
Tip 3: Check your emails daily.
Although it may seem old-fashioned to you, like it or not, emails are the primary way of communication in your academic career, and possibly in your future workplace as well. Form a habit of checking your Mustang email daily, so you won’t miss important announcements or deadlines. It is also a good way to prepare yourself for your future professional career.
Tip 4: Take good control of your finances.
Being in college might be your first time to be financially independent. There are a few things you could do to be financially responsible:
- Don’t wait for Financial Aid to come to you; learn about your options as early as possible.
- Consider getting a part-time job on- or off-campus. A job or internship give you valuable experience working in teamwork and professional development. For more information, contact our Office of Career Services.
- Manage your credit. Your credit score is directly associated with many aspects in your life–job applications, student loans, etc. Credit cards are convenient, but it’s important to keep an eye on your bank statement. Make a budget for your weekly or monthly expenses. Do not overuse what you have.
- Finally, take advantage of the campus resources for your academic needs. Check the library for textbooks and printing options; visit the Technology Center for technology equipment and repair program; are you eligible for CSTEP (The Collegiate Science & Technology Program? Support include computer labs, quiet study areas, the tutoring center, the health center, and the counseling center, to name just a few.
Tip 5: Career path? Think about it ASAP.
You may have a clear idea of what you’d like to do in the future; or you may not. Either way, think about what you can do to develop your skills and goals.
- If you have a specific goal in mind, take related courses and actively look for internships and part-time opportunities. If you need upper-division coursework or advanced degrees after you graduate, start exploring your options early will allow you to better plan your academic career.
- If you only have a general idea, or no idea at all – don’t worry. Visiting Career Services and having a conversation with your academic advisor are the best ways to go! We have the tools and experience to help you navigate different academic fields and career opportunities.
Tip 6: Know that you are learning for you. Not anyone else.
You are here. Studying is your job.
It may seem that your professors have too many requirements; you may feel overwhelmed by the things you “have to” do. However, think about it this way: you are not learning for your professors. Not for your parents. Not for your advisors. You are learning for you.
Pick up a positive attitude and improve yourself! Your academic career involves a variety of different aspects, but ultimately, studying is a personal thing.