I am pleased to present the SUNY Morrisville Strategic Plan: 2030. This new plan, which has been nearly two-years in the making, advances a collaboratively built data-driven blueprint that affirms our mission and core values of student-centeredness, community, diversity, sustainability and hands-on learning.
This ambitious strategic plan emerged from the work of the SUNY Morrisville Strategic Planning Steering Committee and Strategic Planning Council. These two bodies worked tirelessly to solicit campus stakeholder feedback, understand community needs and evaluate SUNY Morrisville’s competitive position. Indeed, these groups made certain that our culture, processes, performance, systems, services and programs were considered throughout the numerous phases of development.
The plan advances strategic goals and objectives that leverage the college’s strengths, addresses weaknesses and seizes upon known opportunities. Our goals are clear: to embrace a sustainability mindset, expand access to experiential education and to be recognized leaders for career-focused education. These strategic goals and objectives are in alignment with Chancellor King’s State University of New York priorities as well as the key themes rooted within the 2024 SUNY Report on Long-Term Enrollment and Financial Sustainability. Each goal contains narrower objectives with linked strategies, all of which are measured by a dynamic set of key performance measures designed to continuously monitor progress. The strategic plan also calls for midpoint reviews in 2026 and 2028 to assess progress and reallocate resources as needed.
Early in the process, the Strategic Planning Council engaged stakeholders in reviewing and updating the college’s vision and mission statements. The council also agreed that a full expression of the college’s core values and beliefs would set the stage for establishing goals and objectives that align with SUNY Morrisville’s identity. The new vision statement, mission statement and core values and beliefs convey our greatest aspirations for the college, our commitment to students and the guidance we have set for ourselves as we perform our important work.
Again, I am proud to present the SUNY Morrisville Strategic Plan: 2030. Together we have crafted a bold vision for SUNY Morrisville’s future at a time that requires equally bold action. This plan outlines such a shared vision and a pathway for such collective action.
David E. Rogers, Ph.D.