Strategic Plan Goal 1: To embrace and cultivate a sustainability mindset.

We will optimize our college operations in a way that advances environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Objective 1.1: Advance Environmental Sustainability

We are committed to protecting the environment by reducing risks, fostering awareness sustainability and assessing the environmental impacts of SUNY Morrisville’s operations.

Strategy/outcome Core Value  Measure Baseline (2022-23) Targets
        2026 2028 2030
Achieve green building certificates Sustainability Complete LEED Certification Guide No LEED status. NA NA LEED status for ACET or other campus buildings
Elimination of plastics on campus Sustainability Date of completion NA
  • Eliminate use of plastic bags
  • Eliminate use of balloons
  • Eliminate plastic straws, stirrers, sticks
  • Eliminate plastic beverage bottles
  • Eliminate plastic food service products
  • Eliminate plastic utensils
  • Eliminate plastic wrap and packaging
Finalize and implement the campus Clean Energy Master Plan Sustainability Greenhouse gas emissions NA
  • Finalize the campus CEMP
  • 40% reduction in greenhouse emissions
  • 70% renewable energy grid
Increased student understanding of in green initiatives Student-Centered SUNY Student Opinion Survey: % Very large and large contribution to understanding environmental and sustainability issues 44.3% 50% 55% 60%
Achieve recognition as top college for sustainability programs or practice Sustainability AASHE Stars Ranking (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) Reporter (unranked) TBD TBD TBD
Sustainability Princeton Review Green Colleges Rankings Unranked TBD TBD TBD

Objective 1.2: Advance Social Sustainability

We engage in practices that support social inclusion, promote upward mobility, and contribute to the well-being of our stakeholders.

Strategy/outcome Core Value  Measure Baseline (2022-23) Targets
        2026 2028 2030
Improved student satisfaction Student-Centered SUNY Student Satisfaction Survey: % satisfied and very satisfied in general 62.2% 64.6% 66.5% 68%
SUNY Student Opinion Survey: % satisfied and very satisfied that they safe/secure. 48.9% 56% 64% 68.9%
SUNY Student Opinion Survey:  % agree and strongly agree to level of satisfaction with “College food service”.  21.7% 40% 55% 70%
Improved focus on student needs Community Percentage of matriculated student conduct reports        
Number of first programs for specific student populations 0 2 4 6
Number of first-year experience sections 18 20 22 24
Improved student sense of belonging Community SUNY Student Opinion Survey: % satisfied and very satisfied that they belong at Morrisville 42% 55% 68% 75%
Mid-semester Check-in survey: Average score to “I feel like I belong at SUNY Morrisville.” 3.05 3.35 3.5 3.65
Student Opinion Survey: DEI - % strongly agree and agree to question(s) related to belonging. TBD TBD TBD TBD
Improved faculty sense of belonging Community Employee Climate Survey: Average score to “I am proud to say I work at my current employer.” 3.49 3.6    
Improved town and gown relations Community Village meeting attendance 0 record of attendance  1 record of attendance 4 records of attendances 6 records of attendance 
Development of community oriented advisory board No community oriented advisory boards (at main campus) 1 Appointed advisory board (at main campus)    
Percentage of students engaged in service learning or community service Unknown 33%    
Increased economic impact from college enterprises Community Community access to food services. The Village of Morrisville has limited access to groceries and food products. TBD TBD TBD
Enhanced community engagement with DEi-B initiatives  Diversity Attendance at DEi-B programs        
SUNY DEI Opinion Survey: Question “Sense of welcoming and accepting community” TBD (Fall 2024 implementation) TBD TBD TBD
Improved Social Mobility Community First to-second year retention for Pell eligible students 46.5% 53% 55% 57%
Amount of available scholarships $648,000 $725,000 $810,000 $850,000

Objective 1.3: Advance Economic Sustainability

We contribute to the economic development and growth of New York State, the Central New York region, and SUNY Morrisville.

Strategy/outcome Core Value Measure Baseline (2022-23) Targets
        2026 2028 2030
Aligned cost-to-revenue ratios with the Tech Sector average Sustainability FTE employees to FTE student ratio









Cost-to-revenue ratio



16.9:1 20:1 22:1
Cash-to-debt ratio





0% 15%
Increased enrollment Sustainability Total headcount 1893 2000 2100 2200
Total FTE 1850 1900 1950 2000
Bachelor degree seeking headcount 844 1000 1160 1320
Bachelor degree seeking FTE 847 1000 1100 1200
Graduate degree seeking headcount 9 30 70 120
Graduate degree seeking FTE 4.82 15 35 60
Increased student persistence Student Centered First-time Full-time first- to –second year retention 55.6% 59% 61% 63%
Transfer Full-time first- to –second year retention 61.6% 64% 66% 68%
Increased fund raising Sustainability Annual money raised $1.1 million $1.2 million $1.4 million $1.6 million
Total money raised $1.58 million $3 million $3.5 million $4 million
Number of individual donors 1450 1525 1675 1755
Increased competitively funded academic grants Sustainability Annual revenue       $200k