College Senate Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the elected officers of the College Senate plus the Provost and University Faculty Senator.  The Executive Committee provides a channel through which any member of the College Faculty may bring items of interest and/or concern to the attention of the College Senate and the administration.

The Executive Committee sets the agenda for the College Senate and the committees by moving items of concern to the administration and faculty/staff through the governance structure, i.e., from administration and faculty/staff to the committees, from the committees to the whole College Senate, and from the College Senate to the administration.

Members of the Executive Committee


Laura Pierie

The Speaker of the College Senate presides at all meetings of the College Senate.  The Speaker is a non-voting, ex-officio member of all committees established by the College Senate.  The Speaker also represents the faculty/staff at any time that other representatives have not been designated.


Jennifer Gilbert-Jenkins

The Vice-Speaker replaces the Speaker in the event of the Speaker’s absence, resignation, or inability to perform the office of Speaker.  The Vice-Speaker assists the Speaker in carrying out the duties of the Speaker.


Adam Saunders

The Secretary gives notice of meetings, keep minutes and records of the meetings with a written report of each meeting furnished to each member of the faculty/staff within two weeks of the meeting.  The Secretary assists the Speaker in carrying out the duties of the Speaker.


Tom Pilewski

The Parliamentarian interprets and advises the Speaker on matters of parliamentary procedure and serves as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Nomination Committee.  The Parliamentarian assists the Speaker in carrying out the duties of the Speaker.

University Faculty Senator and University Senator Alternate

Raymond Grabowski & Thomas Hogle

The University Faculty Senator represents the faculty at the meetings and functions of the University Faculty Senate of the State University of New York, reporting regularly to the College Senate.  The University Faculty Senator serves as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the College Senate and a voting member of the Executive Committee.

The University Faculty Senator Alternate serves in the place of the University Faculty Senator whenever the University Faculty Senator is unable to fulfill the duties and serves as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the College Senate.
