Academic Issues Committee
The Academic Issues Committee reviews, discusses, and makes recommendations to the College Senate concerning academic policy in any area not covered by another College Senate committee, as brought to the committee by Academic Council and College Senate.
Awards Committee
The Awards Committee oversees the annual nomination and selection procedures of both the local SUNY Morrisville Distinguished Faculty Award and the SUNY-wide Chancellor's Awards for Excellence. The committee solicits and evaluates nominations from campus and alumni populations through nomination forms and reviews submission packets for substantive criteria in the following categories: teaching techniques and representative materials, scholarship and professional growth, student services, academic standards and requirements and evaluation of student performance, and a summary of outstanding qualifications and major achievements. The committee selects award winners based upon the evaluation materials requested, then completes and transmits the submittal materials for the SUNY Awards to the local SUNY Morrisville Provost’s Office.
The Awards Committee looks for new ways to increase award awareness and thus, nominations. The committee meets 6-8 times each academic year and members are expected to review nomination forms for SUNY Chancellor’s Awards early in the spring semester, and nomination materials for the Distinguished Faculty/Librarian Awards during the spring semester. In addition, members should be a resource on the awards and their procedure to their school’s faculty.
Budget Committee
The Budget Committee makes recommendations to the Vice President for Administration & Finance, the Provost, and other appropriate administrators and to the Senate regarding strategic planning related to the College budget. These recommendations seek to promote the College’s instructional, scholarly, and service missions. The Budget Committee will receives periodic updates regarding the colleges financial position and all long-range financial plans. However it apprises itself of the general financial position of the college and of significant policy and priority aspects of budget decisions.
Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum Committee discusses, studies, and makes recommendations to the College concerning changes to curricula. This includes new and revised courses and programs; general education, liberal arts and sciences, and applied learning requirements; changes to course levels credit hours, or prerequisites; and any substantial changes to programs or courses that affect the course offerings of other departments.
The Curriculum Committee represents the faculty and student body in reviewing the SUNY Morrisville curricula, including both substantial changes to current courses and programs as well as the addition of new courses and programs.
- Course Proposal Process Flow Chart (Updated March 2023)
- SUNY Forms for New Programs and Program Revisions
- Course Proposal Form (Updated Fall 2024)
- Course Revision Form (Updated Fall 2024)
- Minor Option Concentration Proposal Form (Updated Spring 2023)
- Program Description and PLO Form (Updated February 2025)
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Committee
The work of the committee will be broad and focused as well as practical and inspirational. It will work to support an inclusive faculty, staff, and student body, and campus and community environment.
In pursuit of social justice, the committee will examine the foundational practices and the systems in place and will actively search for evidence of abuses of power, inequality and inequity, and bias and discrimination on campus and within the community by examining hiring practices, teaching practices, administrative practices, and other policies and practices that lead to discriminatory outcomes.
In pursuit of transformative practice, the committee will report out on abuses, inequities and biases and work with (when applicable) the College Senate, College Senate Committees, administration, union representatives, faculty and staff, students, and community members to create, support, and promote policies, pedagogies, and practices that are anti-racist and deeply rooted in an authentic commitment to justice for all.
Educational Technology Committee
The Educational Technology Committee studies and reviews college policies associated with distance education in its various forms, makes recommendations regarding how well information technology and library policies on campus serve teaching and learning, and educates the campus on these policies.
General Education Committee
The General Education Committee is tasked with reviewing submitted courses for the SUNY System General Education List and Applied Learning Selection.
Graduate Committee
The Graduate Committee is necessary in order to assess and articulate Graduate program needs and policies at SUNY Morrisville, and to recommend solutions to meet those needs. This committee will consider Graduate issues from the point of view of all three constituencies: students, staff, and faculty.
To encourage robust and productive engagement around the future of Graduate programs at SUNY Morrisville, the committee is asked to explore the following areas:
- the mission and goals of Graduate Education and its role within SUNY Morrisville.
- the ideal mechanisms that SUNY Morrisville can support this mission, including how best to provide Graduate students, graduate teaching faculty and staff with community engagement, workload, administrative support, and guidance.
- the focus of Graduate Education at SUNY Morrisville on excellence, industry relevance, and constant innovation in content and delivery.
Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee oversees the nomination and election of College Senate officers, representatives, and College Senate standing committee members, and proposes procedures and policies governing those elections.
Norwich Liaison Committee
The Norwich Liaison Committee discusses, studies, and recommends ways of improving interaction between the main campus and the Norwich Campus and makes the College Senate and the Student Government Organization aware of important issues at the Norwich Campus.
Professional Development Committee
The Professional Development Committee discusses, studies, and makes recommendations on college policies associated with faculty/staff development and organizes and publishes opportunities for faculty/staff development on campus.
Promotion Committee
The Promotion Committee assures equitable consideration of all faculty (including librarians) for promotion, makes annual promotion recommendations, and develops an interpretation of promotional standards when necessary.
Student Affairs Committee
The Student Affairs Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the College Senate on matters involved with the betterment of campus life other than those dealing with academics.