CSTEP Scholar Dollars Incentive Program
CSTEP members are proud to be scholars in STEM! You see us around campus wearing CSTEP drip and promoting our community. Scholar Dollars are earned for completing parts of your success plan and by demonstrating your character through growth, perseverance, citizenship, service and participation. There is a menu of options to spend Scholar Dollars on at the CSTEP offices – you choose how to celebrate your success.
CSTEP Programming Overview
Each semester, CSTEP organizes personal and professional development workshops to support your collegiate and career goals. Areas of programming include:
- Academic Success Workshops
- Academic Program and Research Exploration
- Career Development and Career Prep
- Graduate School Tours
- Financial Literacy
- Build Your Brand – Personal Marketing Strategies
- Statewide and Regional Events such as Advocacy Day, CSTEP Conference, Men of Color Summit