
During a wood processing course last fall, Morrisville State College students Lena Hanes and Paige Biviano learned important lessons: Building furniture takes a long time, demands lots of patience and requires seemingly endless sanding.   In a masonry class, Calvin Desforges realized how much precision goes into leveling and squaring off blocks to build the foundation of a home.    
“I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.” John D. Rockefeller  In the midst of adversity, four Morrisville State College colleagues found a silver lining.
Every summer growing up, Hayley Cosgrove looked forward to attending The Great New York State Fair so she could admire Morrisville’s elegant stable of Belgians. Cosgrove fondly admired the graceful draft horses as they competed in the show ring, wishing she could be right alongside them.     Thanks to a one-of-kind internship at Morrisville, Cosgrove’s dream came true last summer.
His interest in business and economics began at an early age. By the time he was 18, Christopher Scalzo was hatching ideas, examining investment strategies and conjuring up plans to run his own company. His first big business plan was a home run—financing for a tool and die company. Others followed. As news of his business and entrepreneurial savvy spread, friends and colleagues turned to him for advice about finances and marketing.