Celebrate Earth Day with SUNY Morrisville!

hand holding plant sprout and dirt
Event Dates
Event Location
Student Recreation Center (unless otherwise noted on schedule)
Public event
Type of Event

Join us for an inspiring and impactful Earth Day celebration! Come be a part of our demos, enlightening presentations and activities, and celebrate our community. This is an opportunity to come to together and actively contribute to a more sustainable future.

We also welcome all Mustang students, faculty, staff, alumni and local community members to join us for our annual Campus Cleanup held throughout the day, and you can participate from wherever you are! Share your photos of any cleanup or sustainability efforts on social media using #MorrisvilleEarthDay and show how you are helping make a difference!


Time Event
All Day Campus Cleanup - Join from where ever you are on or off campus by participating in any cleanup or sustainability efforts! 
8:30 a.m.-11 a.m. Applied Learning Student Showcase
9 a.m.-2 p.m. Clean Energy Career Exploration Day, ACET Center
9:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Keynote Speaker: Yvonne Chu, Former Board President, Climate Change Awareness and Action (CCAA); Office Manager, Onondaga Earth Corps, Inc. Introduction by SUNY Morrisville President David Rogers
11:30 a.m. Tree Planting at Athletics Complex hillside
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. All-Campus Lunch Buffet that highlights responsible consumption
Noon-1 p.m. Earth Day Speaker Series
Noon-3 p.m.

Sustainability Committee owl house building

Cooking demonstrations with sustainable recipes

Tours of Dairy and Specialty Crops Incubator and Aquaculture Complex; shuttle provided

Food Pantry drive - accepting food, clothing and monetary donations (focused on food)

Athletics Uniform Recycling Sale 

Responsible Consumption Thrift Sale with secondhand clothes 

Eco Fashion - Norwich Campus

Clubs presentations and activities - ASUBA, LASO, CTS, SNA, CSTEP, Welding 

Music and much more!

1 p.m. Eco Fashion Show with ASUBA and LASO
1 p.m.-4 p.m. Undergraduate Research Conference - Crawford Hall Rooms 108, 114, 116; refreshments provided
2 p.m.-5 p.m. Campus Cleanup at the Children's Center; Free Gilligan's "dirt cup" ice cream at the Children Center