Feb 04, 2021
We have received results from all pooled saliva testing conducted on the Morrisville campus earlier this week. One student pool was positive, and reflex testing is underway. Affected individuals have been informed. All other pools were negative.
Feb 02, 2021
With recent weather alerts, there have been inquiries about today’s scheduled testing on the Morrisville campus. Testing will still take place as planned.
However, employees and students unable to travel safely today should not come to campus just for testing. Employees can come to next week’s testing. Commuter students can participate in this Friday’s move-in testing.
Jan 29, 2021
REMINDER: Return to Campus Pre-Arrival Instructions
As we approach the start of our Spring 2021 semester and the return to life on campus, there are several items that all students who will attend classes on campus, live on campus or plan to use campus facilities must complete before the semester begins on Monday, Feb. 8.
Jan 29, 2021
Our successful dairy drive-thru events have been recognized statewide and are the subject of an award-winning article in the weekly ag publication, Country Folks. The article was written by Troy Bishopp, who attended SUNY Morrisville.

Jan 28, 2021
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — An abandoned piranha, found by a student on the doorstep of an aquarium store, has found a new home in SUNY Morrisville’s aquaponics greenhouse.
Assistant Professor Elisa Livengood obtained a permit from the Department of Environmental Conservation and adopted the fish, which will augment lessons in her aquatic science & aquaculture classes and labs.
Jan 28, 2021
We have received results from all pooled saliva testing conducted this week. All pools were negative. Thank you to everyone who volunteered and who participated, and thank you for taking the proper measures to keep our community healthy.
Jan 25, 2021
Return to Campus - Pre-Arrival Instructions
As we approach the start of our Spring 2021 semester and the return to life on campus, there are several items that all students who will attend classes on campus, live on campus or plan to use campus facilities must complete before the semester begins on Monday, Feb. 8.
Jan 23, 2021
We need your help to properly plan for COVID-19 pooled saliva testing. We are asking every employee to complete this short survey. We ask supervisors to ensure their reports complete it so we have an accurate count of on-campus employees to update our testing plans, report to system and help county health officials make plans.
Jan 18, 2021
The next scheduled pooled saliva testing is tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 19, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in STUAC. All students currently living on campus must participate. All employees who are regularly on campus physically should plan to participate as well. To comply with SUNY system’s recent guidelines and our recently approved COVID plan, everyone must be tested weekly.
Jan 14, 2021
We hope you have enjoyed a restful winter break! We have delayed our start of classes until Feb. 8.This delay in the start to the semester will allow cases from the holidays to clear, more people to be vaccinated, and more of the semester’s work to be conducted in (hopefully) warmer weather that allows for more ventilation and outdoor activity.

Dec 15, 2020
One large, ongoing art project is how Taylor McDowell describes his life.Why? Because its elements combine to create a portrait of what the 2015 SUNY Morrisville
graduate loves: web and game development, drumming, storytelling, art and music. Each has shaped the life of the 28-year-old New Hartford, New York resident, whose palette is a colorful blend of perseverance and will.

Dec 15, 2020
Like most first-year students in 2020, Mo the Mustang’s (they/them/their) arrival on campus at SUNY Morrisville was not what they originally had in mind.
Wearing a face mask, practicing physical distancing, picking up meals to go and otherwise adjusting to pandemic life were some of the firsts that the college’s mascot experienced at the same time as other students.

Dec 15, 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic caused the physical world to remain distanced, the virtual world of esports has emerged to connect people like never before.
SUNY Morrisville students are among those taking a hold of esports (electronic sports), an organized sports competition featuring multiplayer video games where gamers from around the world can compete individually or as a team. They also can tune in as spectators.

Dec 15, 2020
It was going to be a memorable spring break in Morocco.
As she packed her suitcase, Jessica Miller’s mind drifted to the mountainous country of western North Africa, a March trip she had planned for months to marry her fiancé, Mouaad Essaadi, who lives there.

Dec 15, 2020
Shortly after he graduated from SUNY Morrisville, Kyle Clark ’18 returned to his fifth-generation family dairy farm with a four-year degree in dairy management and a plan to resurrect the creamery that once stood on the property, located on Elk Creek Road in Delhi, New York.

Dec 15, 2020
Brian Simmons’ aunt offered him a job washing dishes on a Friday night when her restaurant in Nunda, New York, was short-staffed. “The rest is history,” he said.
Since that day more than two decades ago, Simmons ’01 has built a successful career out of nourishing patrons as owner and chef of The Yard of Ale Restaurant.

Dec 15, 2020
Rebecca Werbela ’04 started an agriculture education program at Morrisville-Eaton Middle-High School in a small room with big plans.
As they grew, so did the excitement of her students who are grabbing hold of dynamic lessons — getting their hands dirty building and planting, growing vegetables hydroponically and gaining an understanding about the hundreds of careers available to them in the agriculture industry.

Dec 15, 2020
Three pairs of siblings at SUNY Morrisville are bringing more than just their skill and abilities to the game — they bring their chemistry, the anticipation of the next move, the difference in balance that counters the other and the desire to make a difference in Mustang athletics.
Despite all spring- and fall-season athletics competitions being canceled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the siblings shared their thoughts about being teammates.
Nov 13, 2020
A huge thank you to everyone who participated in this week’s final pooled saliva testing effort before the end of in-person instruction on campus. We are as appreciative of all students and employees who gave their samples as we are for the volunteers who helped staff the collection efforts.
Nov 13, 2020
I understand the world is full of a lot of uncertainty, and 2020 has perhaps reminded us of that more than any other year in recent memory.
Nov 06, 2020
All testing samples collected this week (Nov. 2-6) for both wastewater and pooled saliva testing for COVID-19 have been received.
Two pooled saliva tests from student-athlete samples came back positive, and reflex testing is underway to identify individuals with positive tests.
Employee samples all came back negative.
Oct 31, 2020
As you prepare to leave campus following the end of in-person classes in the coming weeks, all students must first participate in one final round of pooled saliva testing, as required by SUNY System Administration in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 from community to community.
Oct 29, 2020
Dear Mustangs,
We know that this has been a rough and challenging semester.
We know that gathering and socializing is a valued part of the college experience.
We know that Halloween is a treasured day of having fun with your friends.
And we know that COVID-19 can spread through high-risk activities, such as parties, large gatherings, and when people do not physically distance or wear protective face coverings.

Oct 26, 2020
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — A photograph by Timothy Gerken, professor of humanities at SUNY Morrisville, is on display in collaboration with Denniston Hill, as part of For Freedoms’ nationwide campaign “2020 Awakening.”
The artist-led collective campaign, which launched on Indigenous People’s Day (Columbus Day) Oct. 12, features billboards that appear in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Many touch on pressing issues of the current political campaign process.
Oct 22, 2020
If you go to a party, you will no longer go to SUNY Morrisville.
This is as direct as I can be.
I am aware of some parties, including one as recently as this past weekend, that were incredibly reckless and dangerous in a number of ways. We are identifying those who hosted and attended and taking sanctions against them. We will continue to do so until they stop or everyone is sent home.