MORRISVILLE, NY—A beer produced by SUNY Morrisville agricultural business students is now on tap at the Copper Turret Restaurant & Brewhouse, in Morrisville, and three other student-made products are for sale at the Nelson Farms Country Store, on Route 20 in the Town of Nelson.
MORRISVILLE, NY—SUNY Morrisville is selling a colorful array of poinsettias.
The popular, decorative plants are on sale now through Dec. 7 at the Spader Horticulture Complex on the SUNY Morrisville campus, Monday through Friday, from noon to 4 p.m. The sale is open to the public.
WATERVILLE, NY— SUNY Morrisville student Kristin Dominic has an interest in building tiny homes. Reed Lucas wants to augment his nursery business, and Nick Geswaldo has a desire to learn more about hardscaping.
They’re all getting a breadth of experience to help craft their careers through a Masonry & Foundations class taught by Michael Gridley, ’04, assistant professor of residential construction.
MORRISVILLE, NY—SUNY Morrisville will bring its innovation, animals and exciting hands-on approach to learning to the Great New York State Fair again this year. The fair runs Aug. 22-Sept. 3.
In his classic song, Sir Duke, iconic musician Stevie Wonder sings:
“Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand.
With an equal opportunity, for all to sing, dance and clap their hands.”
Morrisville freshman Jacob Ax has taken a chance meeting with a man injured in an accident and turned it into an opportunity to advocate for better accessibility in the farm workplace.
Back in 2010, Ax was new to the Stockbridge Valley Central School in Munnsville, New York, when he met a friendly custodian named Randy Mennig. Ax noticed Mennig’s limp, stemming from a motorcycle accident some years before in which he lost a leg. Menning’s dreams of working on a farm were challenged.
Mollie Carter, ’14, remembers the first time she saw the steel sculpture of The Mustang, rearing back on its brick-and-mortar base in front of the Whipple Administration Building.
“It was one of the first symbols that grabbed my eye when I started at MSC in August of 2010,” she said. The sculpture made the small-town girl feel “a little bit more like, ‘Hey, I can do this.’"
The following photo essay was captured through the lens of Paige Biviano ’17, an alumna of two Morrisville State College programs—journalism and communication for online media and wood products technology – finish carpentry.
Through a GoFundMe page, photograph sales, private Taekwondo lessons and cutting boards, Biviano fundraised her way to the Oceans Campus Wildlife and Travel Photography program, based in Mossel Bay, South Africa, from May 30 through July 2.
“Fast and furious” doesn’t just describe a vehicle’s speed anymore … it is now just as easily the catch-phrase of the non-stop rush of automotive technology changes.
The work of the vehicle technician today means mastering technology that might have seemed only a fantasy just a few short years ago. Training tomorrow’s technicians is also now more of a challenge than ever, but it‘s one the automotive instructors at Morrisville State College are meeting at full speed.