We need your help to keep SUNY Morrisville healthy and protected against COVID-19

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Dear student and family members,

Hello from the SUNY Morrisville Student Health Center. We are excited to welcome students back to campus for the Fall 2020 semester.

During the past few months, we have all learned that COVID-19 can spread rapidly in a community. SUNY Morrisville needs your help in keeping our campus community healthy!

The college will provide all students with washable face coverings and hand sanitizer. There will be refill stations for hand sanitizer located throughout campus. We expect all students to wear a face covering in all public spaces and in spaces shared with other people, as well as practice physical (social) distancing of at least six feet whenever possible.

All students will be required to complete and submit a screening questionnaire 14 days prior to returning to campus. The screening questionnaire can be found through your Web for Students account. Residential students will be assigned a date and time block for move-in, either the morning or afternoon, during the week of Aug. 17. Upon arrival to campus, Health Services staff will complete symptom review and take a temperature on each residential student. We encourage all students to bring additional masks/face coverings, hand sanitizers, disinfecting products, tissues and a personal thermometer with them to campus.

Anyone involved with international travel is required to complete a 14-day quarantine once arriving in the United States. Additionally, Executive Order 205 imposes a 14-day mandatory quarantine restriction on travelers arriving in New York State from states with high rates of COVID-19 infections. We are encouraging those affected by these restrictions to complete the 14-day quarantine prior to arrival to campus. New York State now has a mandatory traveler health form. The campus quarantine housing can accommodate a limited number of students without alternative options for completion of the 14-day quarantine period. To assist with placement, please contact the Student Health Center as soon as possible, but no later than Saturday, Aug. 1, if you require campus quarantine.

We ask all students, whether residential or commuter, to perform a daily self-checklist prior to leaving your residence. This daily self-checklist contains three questions pertaining to early signs and symptoms of possible coronavirus and exposure risk, as well as guidance on what to do if you develop possible signs or symptoms. The daily self-checklist is for your own review and does not need to be submitted to anyone.

The Student Health Center, which houses Health Services and Counseling Services, is preparing for in-person visits and telemedicine visits. Walk-in service has been suspended; all visits must be scheduled by phone so that screening questions can be asked prior to arrival. Only the student with the appointment will be allowed in the building. We will have the capacity to test for coronavirus. We have a designated quarantine and isolation building on campus. We will work very closely with our local health department to manage any outbreak.

We are working hard to create a safe and healthy campus as much as possible. We need every Mustang to be an active part of this process. Working together, we stand in the best position to minimize COVID-19’s impact on our fall semester.


Deb Babowicz, RPA-C, M.S. | Director of Student Health Services

Matthias Student Health Center | SUNY Morrisville

80 Eaton Street, P.O. Box 901 | Morrisville, N.Y. 13408

Office: 315.684.6078 | Fax: 315.684.6493 | Email: babowipd@morrisville.edu