Morrisville State hosts successful Autumn Review Sale

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Morrisville State's annual Autumn Review Sale displayed what Dr. Steve Mooney, assistant professor of dairy science, described as the product “of a total team effort.”

The sale grossed a total of $156,385 with 83 lots sold. Two of those lots were embryos and one was a donated “pick of the heard” cow. The rest of the lots ranged from 3-months to 4-year-old cows.

“The students did an excellent job running the sale,” Mooney said. “I received a lot of positive feedback from those who attended.”

Run by Morrisville State's faculty and students in dairy production classes, and the college's dairy club, proceeds from the sale support dairy club trips, the dairy judging team, academic programs, and various activities and events.

The Morrisville State Dairy Club helps students extend their knowledge of the dairy industry through participation in activities like the annual Autumn Review Sale and field trips.