Morrisville State College offers new bachelor's degrees in videojournalism and applied psychology

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Morrisville State College is offering two new bachelor’s degrees in videojournalism and applied psychology.  

The new Bachelor of Science degrees augment the college’s lineup of four-year offerings which also include Bachelor of Technology and Bachelor of Business Administration degrees.

The videojournalism degree prepares students for careers in contemporary media with a mix of hands-on classroom and field experience.  

Housed in a newly redesigned classroom and studio area that replicates the industry, the program provides students with state-of-the-art technical instruction based on a solid foundation of writing, editing and business skills.

Students will acquire skills in broadcast news writing and scripting, investigative research methods, video producing strategies, audio and video editing. Course requirements include producing a video portfolio and participating in a full-time internship.

Career opportunities available for videojournalism graduates include positions as video journalists, video producers, camera operators, freelance content producers and entry-level positions in media outlets and corporations.

In addition to the new videojournalism degree, Morrisville State College offers two other journalism degrees: an associate degree in journalism studies; and a bachelor’s degree in journalism and communication for online media.

The Bachelor of Science degree in applied psychology is designed to educate and prepare students for employment in two areas of concentration: business and human services.

Graduates of the program will be prepared to work in a variety of human and social service settings–interviewing, problem solving with other professionals, management, customer service, worker satisfaction, interpersonal relationships, and providing intervention services under professional supervision.

Emphasizing hands-on training in basic statistics, research methods, tests, and measures, students spend their first two years of the program taking general education and basic psychology courses.

Coursework includes Introduction to Applied Psychology as well as courses in developmental, social, industrial and organizational psychology, followed by more specialized courses in their last two years.

Students will also take courses in their chosen specialty of either human services or business, relating their coursework directly to their intended career.

A unique aspect of the program is a full-time, semester-long internship in a business or human services-related setting, as well as extensive preparation for the internship through a course emphasizing job search skills and professional skills.