Morrisville resident receives Morrisville State's Distinguished Faculty Member Award

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It's rarely an ordinary day in one of Professor William Snyder's classes—he might be taking students electrofishing local streams, giving a lecture in the college's wildlife museum, demonstrating innovative recycling ideas, or hosting an interactive, live bird demonstration.

The colorful professor, revered by students for his enthusiasm and interactive learning techniques,

is the recipient of this year's Morrisville State College Distinguished Faculty Member Award.

The award is presented annually to a faculty member who displays professional growth, personal and professional achievement, and has provided outstanding service to the college. He will be recognized during the college's 103rd commencement ceremony on May 17 at 1 p.m. in the recreation center.

Snyder, professor of fish and wildlife management and chair of the Department of Environmental Sciences, began his career at Morrisville State 21 years ago.

Throughout his teaching career, the Morrisville resident has been instrumental in the growth of the college's programs, developing numerous courses and becoming involved in curriculum development. His campus leadership has included speaker of the Morrisville State College Faculty Congress, while also serving on numerous campus committees.

Snyder's effectiveness in the classroom is evidenced in numerous teaching accolades, including the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2010 and Student Government Organization (SGO) Outstanding Academic Advisor Awards, which he received in five different years.

Founder of the Morrisville State College Conservation Tri-Society, and currently its advisor, he is also curator of the college's wildlife museum. Snyder is also known for the t'ai chi ch'uan classes he teaches on and off campus, as well numerous fishing derbies he has conducted in the college pond.

He is also active outside of the classroom as a member of several professional organizations including the North American Native Fish Association, the Wildlife Society parent and local chapters and the American Fisheries Society parent and local chapters.

Additionally he is a member of the Friends of the Rogers Environmental Education Center Environmental Education Committee and the May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Society of Syracuse.

A well-known lecturer, Snyder provides presentations and workshops throughout Central New York. He has also published numerous works.

Snyder received a B.S. degree in fisheries management from Ohio State University and an M.Ed. degree in higher education from Ohio University.

Snyder and his wife, Cynthia, live in Morrisville. They have two children.