View the 2020-21 Annual Report for Donors
Direct Your Gift
The Annual Fund: Morrisville’s greatest need
Unrestricted gifts support the areas of highest priority on campus.
This year designations included all academic departments, grammar software for all students, publication fees for student research and diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives on campus.
Scholarships are the most common gift designation. Last year, more than $581,000 was distributed to students through scholarship funds. You can designate your gift to general scholarships or direct your gift to one of the X existing named scholarship funds.
Other Designations
You can direct all or part of your gift to any specific academic department, athletic team or club on campus.
This gift will directly augment your chosen area’s budget for the current year.
SUNY Morrisville offers a variety of giving levels to support students:
The Mustang Society
Your support annually helps the college plan ahead and take advantage of opportunities as they arise. The Mustang Society honors donors who give at any level for three or more consecutive years.
The Leadership Circle
Members of the Leadership Circle are individuals who make a total gift of $1,000 or more to Morrisville in a fiscal year. Support from these generous alumni, parents and friends comprise more than 86% of all funds raised each year.
Graduated giving levels are available for our most recent alumni, enabling all to participate:
1-5 years past graduation: $250
6-10 years past graduation: $500
Setting up your Scholarship
Donors wishing to leave a lasting legacy at the college often choose to do so by endowing their own named scholarship.
Endowing a Scholarship
An endowed scholarship is structured so that the initial gift principal lives on forever and creates an income which is distributed each year in the form of a named scholarship. The minimum level for an endowed scholarship is $25,000. Many donors choose to give this sum over a period of up to five years. Each year in perpetuity, a student will receive a scholarship bearing the name of the donor. The scholarship program offers opportunities for the donor to get to know their students each year and fosters a culture of philanthropy in the student recipients.
Virtual Endowment
The Virtual Endowment program is for donors who plan to endow a scholarship at a future point, but cannot commit to do so within the next five years. The donor makes an annual gift equal to the interest generated by a $25,000 endowment and that gift is distributed as a named scholarship. The scholarship is then endowed later on either through the donor’s estate or at a specified date.