Upstate Cerebral Palsy Recruitment Visit

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Event Dates
Public event
Type of Event

Upstate Cerebral Palsy (UCP), which has 2,000 employees at over 80 locations in the region, provides innovative programs and services that support people and create opportunities to fulfill life person at a time, through everyday miracles. They are looking to hire compassionate, professional, and versatile employees for a variety of open part-time and full-time positions.

UCP recruiter Kara MacDonald will be available from 11 AM to 2 PM in Seneca Dining Hall to speak with you about their organization and jobs and internships for students and alumni.

Numerous students have interned or worked with UCP, so stop by to see what they do and the opportunities they offer. Open to students of all class years and majors.

Connect with Career Services with questions about or assistance in preparing for UCP’s visit by phone (315.684.6615), e-mail (, or in our offices in Crawford Hall 318-19.