Woodsmen’s Field Days

2024 Woodsmen's Field Days Educational Seminar Presentations Hosted by SUNY Morrisville in the Griffo Barn.

Day and Time Presentation Organization Presenter Title
Friday 10AM Tug Hill Tomorrow Who We Are and How Easements Can Help You Achieve Your Goals Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust John Souva Conservation Director
Friday 11AM Forest Landowner Opportunities -Regenerate NY & Forest Stewardship. NYSDEC Division of Lands and Forests, Private Lands, Utilization & Climate Forestry Section Scott Moxham Program Supervising Forester and NYS's Forest Utilization Forester
Friday Noon Just the Facts - The Past, Present, and Future of New York's Forests and Forest Products. New York Forest Owners Association Craig Vollmer Executive Director and Certified Forester
Friday 1PM Protecting Working Landscapes in the NYC Watershed and MyWoodlot.com Watershed Agricultural Council and MyWoodlot.com Kris Brown Researcher and Evaluation Specialist - Forestry 
Friday 2PM Current Pest and Disease Threats to NYS Forests. NYSDEC Division of Lands and Forests, Bureau of Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health Jessica Cancelliere Forest Health Section Chief 
Friday 3PM Leveraging Expertise in Managing and Preserving Forest Resources to Grow Your Business.  Murphy Forest Management Kellen Murphy Chief Forester
Friday 4PM Job Costs and the Forestry Industry - Breaking Down Operational Cost Data to Enhance Margins and Grow Revenue. Murphy Forest Management Blair Genther Chief Operating and Financial Officer
Day and Time Presentation Organization Presenter Title
Saturday 10AM What You Can Do with Your Land for Wildlife SUNY Morrisville William Snyder Environmental & Renewable Resources Professor & Wildlife Museum Curator
Saturday 11AM Backyard Woods: Caring for the Trees Closest to Us. SUNY Morrisville Rebecca Hargrave Natural Resources Associate Professor & ISA Certified Arborist
Saturday Noon Current Pest and Disease Threats to NYS Forests NYSDEC Division of Lands and Forests, Bureau of Invasive Species & Ecosystem Health Amanda Dillon Forest Health Research Lab Manager
Saturday 1PM Leveraging Expertise in Managing and Preserving Forest Resources to Grow Your Business.  Murphy Forest Management Kellen Murphy Chief Forester
Saturday 2PM Job Costs and the Forestry Industry - Breaking Down Operational Cost Data to Enhance Margins and Grow Revenue. Murphy Forest Management Blair Genther Chief Operating and Financial Officer