Mar 11, 2020
New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo just concluded a press conference during which he announced that all SUNY and CUNY institutions would begin instituting distancing policies and practices as of Thursday, March 19, to reduce density on campuses and inhibiting the potential exposure to and spread of the coronavirus, or COVID-19.
Mar 09, 2020
The following is a roundup of the current information related to the development of concerns over novel coronavirus - or COVID-19.
Mar 05, 2020
The following is a roundup of the current information related to the development of concerns over novel coronavirus - or COVID-19.

Mar 05, 2020
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — SUNY Morrisville’s woods sport team is readying for its lumberjack season, which starts with a competition Saturday, March 7. The free contest will be held inside the college’s Nancy Sears Stowell Arena on Swamp Road, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Mar 04, 2020
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — The cruiser of a fallen police officer will soon find its permanent home at the Discovery Center Story Garden, in Johnson City, thanks to SUNY Morrisville’s Automotive Department.
Faculty, staff and students are preparing the car of Johnson City police officer David “DW” Smith, who was killed in the line of duty in March 2014, to be donated to the Discovery Center Story Garden.
Mar 03, 2020
Information and guidelines related to the coronavirus is rapidly evolving, and the latest developments have suggested we provide an update on our efforts. This memo particularly relates to travel.
At this time, we want to offer some important considerations related to travel, whether college-related or personal, as Spring Break approaches:
Mar 02, 2020
Recently, a new coronavirus was detected in China that has not been previously found in humans. This new (novel) coronavirus has now been named COVID-19 (previously called 2019-nCoV). There are thousands of confirmed cases in China and additional cases being identified in a growing number of countries internationally, including the United States.
Feb 13, 2020
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — During his winter semester break, SUNY Morrisville Associate Professor Christopher Scalzo shared his business and entrepreneurial expertise overseas, helping farmers in Kenya, East Africa.

Feb 11, 2020
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — SUNY Morrisville has once again earned kudos for its outstanding support of military service members, veterans and their families, receiving the 2020-21 Military Friendly® School designation by Victory Media.

Feb 03, 2020
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — SUNY Morrisville once again has been honored for its commitment to effective urban forest management, receiving 2019 Tree Campus USA® recognition by the Arbor Day Foundation.
Jan 28, 2020
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — The work of award-winning photographer Gerard Gaskin is on display at the SUNY Morrisville Donald G. Butcher Library now through March 1.
Gaskin’s show, “Legendary: Inside the House Ballroom Scene,” documents the performative and aesthetic history of the African American and Latinx House Ballroom community from 1993 to present.

Jan 22, 2020
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. — SUNY Morrisville is among a handful of locations in New York State serving as a jam site for the 2020 Global Game Jam™ (GGJ), the world’s largest game creation event, taking place Jan. 31-Feb. 2.
Registration for the Morrisville site is still open for students and non-students over the age 18 of all skills levels at Global Game Jam 2020.
Jan 09, 2020
The proposals detailed in Governor Andrew Cuomo’s 2020 State of the State Address offer practical vision that improves the futures of individuals, industries and economies in a responsible and achievable manner.

Dec 05, 2019
NORWICH, N.Y. — For some, it was their first look at poverty. For others, it was their first chance to help.
Seven human services students in Assistant Professor Julanne Burton’s Introduction to Human Services class, at the SUNY Morrisville Norwich Campus, are participating in a class project, Big Ideas About Poverty.

Nov 26, 2019
As a SUNY Morrisville automotive technology A.A.S. student in the Mopar Career Automotive Program (MCAP), Zachery Ward '19 knew the skills he was learning would prepare him for a successful future as a certified service technician.
Little did he know that we would set the standard for the next wave of aspiring technicians.

Nov 22, 2019
Monday morning, the second week of classes, and in the Western barn, the nicker of horses and warmth of well-used leather replaces the starch of lectures and laptops.
Nov 22, 2019
Andy Lagoe ’92 and Gil Hodges ’92 wanted to come up with a way to show how proud they are to be Mustangs.
The duo, owners of Gilligan’s Ice Cream along with partner Mike Lagoe, decided the best way was to do what they do best. So they churned up an ice cream flavor contest at SUNY Morrisville.
“We thought, why not reach out to our alma mater to see if they would want to collaborate and create a flavor for Morrisville,” Andy Lagoe said.

Nov 22, 2019
Alumni and students play a role in harnessing community solar energy
In Tompkins County, 6,804 solar panels sit on a 13-acre plot of farmland in the town of Endfield. The 2.3-megawatt solar array helps power 373 households, reducing greenhouse gases by 1,430 metric tons annually, the equivalent of removing 306 cars from the road.

Nov 22, 2019
Unrelenting spirit of giving drives Volunteer of the Year
Patricia “Patty” King ’77 is spirited by helping others. Whether it’s running, racing, volunteering, leading, hiring, mentoring or otherwise, she does all she can to support her career field, her alma mater and the people she serves through both.

Nov 22, 2019
Greg Carroll champions winning culture following 18-year career as athletics director
Greg Carroll still remembers his wild first day on the job as director of athletics at SUNY Morrisville.
Fresh off a successful 12-year run as the athletics director and director of communications for the Cazenovia (New York) school district, Carroll walked into football check-in day before the 2001 season. Nearly 150 student-athletes flooded campus looking for his assistance.

Nov 22, 2019
How Charles Okine is using inspiration to empower others
Charles Okine ’18 has a personal brand that could be described as: always be inspired.
“Everything around you is inspirational,” Okine said. “I try to take the best of everyone around me and try to use that to become a better me.”
Thanks to his experience at SUNY Morrisville, Okine becoming a “better me” helped bring out the best in those around him, as well.

Nov 22, 2019
Seeds of popular landscaping & nursery dynasty were planted at SUNY Morrisville
They started small, but their dreams grew big.
Throughout the past three decades, Lasnicki Landscaping & Nursery’s comprehensive services and family atmosphere have grown to reap the admiration of the local community and far beyond the reaches of its physical location on County Route 32 in Hastings, New York.
Nov 19, 2019
MORRISVILLE, N.Y. —SUNY Morrisville criminal justice student Kalif Amritt, of Queens, is among the recipients of SUNY’s inaugural Norman R. McConney Jr. Award for Student Excellence.

Nov 15, 2019
NORWICH, N.Y. — Despite a rare degenerative disease that has forced her to change the course of her life, Marsha Friedel is still all heart. And she is putting it to good use.
The New Berlin resident and human services student at the SUNY Morrisville Norwich Campus is going to college at age 52, blazing a trail of giving along the way.