Wyatt Galusky attended Texas A&M as an undergraduate, before receiving an MA in Philosophy (specializing in Environmental Ethics) from the University of North Texas, and earning a PhD in Science & Technology Studies, from Virginia Tech. His research focuses in philosophy of technology (particularly how technologies shape how we understand the world around us, and our place in that world) and in the public engagement with science and technology. He recently published a book, Protein Machines, Technology, & the Nature of the Future (2022) with Palgrave MacMillan, which examines how agricultural technologies shape animals, humans, and the future.
Recent Courses Taught
- PHIL 201 – Introduction to Philosophy
- PHIL 311 – Professional Ethics
- STS 101 – The Values of Science & Technology
- STS 301 – Humans vs. Nature
Selected Distinctions
- SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2015)
- Humanities New York Public Scholar (2015-18)
- Gretchen Hoadley Burke ’81 Endowed Chair for Regional Studies, Colgate University (2014-15)
Selected Publications
- 2017 “Technology, Responsibility, and Meat”, Philosophy, Technology, and the Environment, Philip Brey & David M. Kaplan, eds. MIT Press: 229-42.
- 2014 (December) “Technology as Responsibility: Failure, Food Animals, and Lab-grown Meat”, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (6): 931-948.
- 2011 (September) “Toxic Transformations: Constructing Audiences for Environmental Justice” w/ Jason Delborne, in Engineers, Scientists, and Environmental Justice: Expert Cultures in a Grassroots Movement, Gwen Ottinger & Benjamin R. Cohen, eds.
- 2010 (March) “Playing Chicken: Technologies of Food, Domestication, and Self”, special issue of Science as Culture 19(1), 15-35.
- 2010 (March) co-editor (with Benjamin R. Cohen), Special Issue, Science as Culture, “Embodying STS: Identity, Narrative, and the Interdisciplinary Body”.
Selected College Service
- Co-Chair, Division of General Education (2019-present)
- Interim Associate Dean, School of Liberal Arts (2019)
- Department Chair, Humanities Department (2015-2018)
- Coordinator, STS Program (2007-present)
Educational Background
- PhD, Science & Technology Studies, Virginia Tech (2004)
- M.A., Philosophy, University of North Texas (1997)
- B.S., Psychology, Texas A&M University (1993)