Morrisville State field hockey to collect donations for local food pantry

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The Morrisville State College field hockey team will be collecting donations of non-perishable items to support the local food pantry from now until December 10.

The local food pantry provides meal items to nearly 120 families each month, serving about 325 total individuals in the Morrisville-Eaton and Stockbridge Valley school districts.

Donations of non-perishable items, such as canned tuna, stew, chili, fruit and vegetable products, cereals, pasta, and soups will be collected at the men's and women's basketball home games from tomorrow night until Saturday, December 10. The Mustangs play at home on November 29, December 1, 3, 7, 9 and 10 in the John W. Stewart Center for Student Activities Gymnasium on the Morrisville State campus.

Those wishing to donate and are unable to attend games, can contact Morrisville State head field hockey coach Becky Osier at 315-684-6830 or through email at for more information on where to drop off donations. Monetary donations will also be accepted.

As part of a continuing community service program within the athletic department, student-athletes are involved in a variety of service programs, benefiting both the campus and surrounding communities. Last year the Mustangs were involved in more than 20 community service programs in the local and surrounding area, logging over 1,200 hours of service.