AP.12.2.a Reporting Violations
- Violations of the code shall be determined by the instructor in charge of the course or learning experience in which the alleged violation reportedly occurred and shall be reported at his/her discretion.
- Copies of the evidence, or of other supporting materials, as well as the names of student(s) involved in a violation of the code, shall be forwarded to the student’s academic dean. When possible, the instructor will first discuss the violation of the code with the student(s) prior to this notification.
- Upon notification of a violation, the dean of the student’s School will discuss the case with the instructor.
- If the dean agrees that a violation has occurred, the School office will officially notify the student that a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity has occurred and that a sanction, as determined below, is being imposed. The student will also be notified of their specific rights to appeal as laid out below. This notification shall be sent to the student’s local address and via electronic mail to the student’s campus e-mail account.
- The instructor will also receive a copy of the letter officially notifying the student of the violation.
- Faculty Appeal Procedure: Should the dean disagree with a faculty member that a violation of the code has occurred, the faculty member may appeal in writing to the provost within ten business days of being notified that the violation will not be pursued. The provost will make the final determination as to whether the case will be officially pursued. The faculty member should be aware that should the student appeal the violation, the dean has final say on whether the violation occurred in the case of the first and second official violations of the code.
AP.12.2.b The First Violation of the Code
- The penalty for the first violation of the code shall be the total loss of credit (a ‘0’) for the assignment, project, or examination or similar penalties for any other type of learning experience(s). This penalty may result in a student failing the course or other learning experience(s).
- Student Appeal Procedure: A student wishing to challenge the sanction shall be entitled to make a written appeal to their dean within ten business days from the date of notification of the decision. The dean will review the appeal in consultation with the instructor in charge of the course or learning experience in which the violation occurred. The dean will respond in writing to the student’s challenge of the sanction within ten business days. The dean has the final right of determination in this matter.
AP.12.2.c The Second Violation of the Code
- The penalty for a second violation of the code shall be the earning of a grade of ‘F’ in the appropriate course or similar penalties for other learning experiences. The second violation of the code need not happen in the same course or learning experience. Students will not be allowed to drop the course to avoid this penalty.
- Student Appeal Procedure: A student wishing to challenge the sanction shall be entitled to make a written appeal to their dean within ten business days from the date of notification of the decision. The dean will review the appeal in consultation with the instructor in charge of the course or learning experience in which the violation occurred. The dean will respond in writing to the student’s challenge of the sanction within ten business days. The dean has the final right of determination in this matter.
AP.12.2.d Subsequent Violations of the Code
- The penalty for subsequent violations of the code shall be the earning of a grade of ‘F’ in the appropriate course or similar penalties for other learning experiences. Reported violations of the Code of Academic Integrity beyond the second become a serious breach of the Student Code of Conduct.
- Upon receiving a report of any violations of the code beyond the second, the student’s academic dean shall forward the case including all supporting information and the names of the student(s) involved to the Dean of Students for review by the College Judicial Board in accordance with published College Judicial procedures. For review of these violations, the Dean of Students will assemble a Board consisting of faculty only to hear the case.
- Student Appeal procedure: Student appeal of subsequent violations will follow Judicial Board appeal guidelines.