College Senate By-Laws

Approved 01/24/12, last amended 05/12/20

By-laws Of The College Senate Of The State University Of New York, College Of Agriculture And Technology At Morrisville

The College Senate shall be the representative body of the professional staff of SUNY Morrisville, both the Morrisville and Norwich campuses. These by-laws must be consistent with the Policies of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York and with agreements between the State of New York and certified employee organizations established pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law. Where the by-laws are not consistent, they are void.

The name of this organization shall be the College Senate of the State University of New York, College of Agriculture and Technology at Morrisville. Its mission shall be: 1) to formulate and recommend to the President of the College policies concerning academic standards, curriculum, student conduct and activities, and other matters of concern; 2) to promote communication among its membership and between its membership, the college administration and students; and 3) to promote the professional growth of the faculty and staff, with a focus on serving teaching and learning.


  1. The term ‘faculty’ in these by-laws shall refer to the professional employees of the College as defined in Article II of the Policies of the Board of Trustees of SUNY. The faculty includes any employee holding an academic or qualified academic rank (i.e. those ranks containing the terms professor, instructor, lecturer, or librarian). Per Article X, Section 3a of the Policies of the Board of Trustees of SUNY, the Chancellor of SUNY and the President of the College are also considered ex-officio members of the faculty.
  2. The term ‘staff’ in these by-laws shall refer to the professional employees of the College as defined in Article II of the Policies of the Board of Trustees of SUNY. The staff includes any employee who is a part of the Professional Services Negotiating Unit who does not hold an academic or qualified academic rank.


  1. The School of Agriculture, Business & Technology and School of Liberal Arts, Science & Society shall have one Senator per ten or part of ten faculty/staff members assigned to each division of the school on the Morrisville campus. These Senators may be drawn from any faculty or staff assigned to these school divisions.
  2. The Library and the Norwich Campus shall have one Senator per ten or part of ten faculty/staff members assigned to each area. These Senators may be drawn from any faculty or staff assigned to these areas.
  3. The professional Student Services staff shall have one College Senator per ten or part of ten faculty/staff members. Student Services shall be defined as the faculty/staff assigned to the following Approved 01/24/12, last amended 05.12.20 areas: Admissions, Residence Life, Student Activities, the Health Center, Financial Aid, and Athletics. These Senators may be drawn from any faculty or staff assigned to these areas.
  4. The number of Senators in each area shall be set by the Executive Committee based on information received from Human Resources by September 20th of each academic year.
  5. In the event that the number of Senators for an area changes, additional seats shall be filled during the normal elections held at the end the academic year. Reductions in seats shall take place only when a Senator leaves the seat by resignation or due to the end of their term of service.


  1. The faculty shall elect three at-large Senators from among their number.
  2. The staff shall elect three at-large Senators from among their number.


  • The University Faculty Senator, University Faculty Senator Alternate, and the elected officers of the College Senate shall be non-voting, ex-officio members of the College Senate.
  • The Chief Academic Officer shall be a non-voting, ex-officio member of the College Senate and shall serve as the main liaison between the President, the college administration, and the College Senate.
  • The Registrar shall be a non-voting, ex-officio member of the College Senate.
  • The Student Government Organization shall be entitled to one non-voting representative chosen by any method they shall determine from among students in good academic standing.


Each Senator will serve a three-year term of office. Ex-officio members shall serve as long as they hold the appropriate position. The student representative shall serve a one-year term of office.


The elected officers of the College Senate shall consist of: a President, Vice-president, a Recorder, and a Parliamentarian.


  1. The officers shall be elected by secret ballot, each odd numbered year for President and Vice-President, and each even numbered year for Parliamentarian and Recorder.
  2. The officers shall be chosen from a slate of nominees solicited by the Nomination Committee from among the faculty/staff at least one month in advance of the election.
  3. The election of officers shall take place by the last day of April via a method determined by the Nomination Committee and announced to the faculty/staff a month in advance. The chair of the Nomination Committee shall conduct the election, with the full committee counting the votes. A plurality of the votes cast shall constitute election of an officer to a position. Ties shall be settled in a random manner determined by the chair of the Nomination Committee with any tiebreaking done in the presence of the candidates and a quorum of the Nomination Committee.


The officers shall be elected for two-year terms and any officer may succeed in the same office for one additional term. No officer may hold an office for more than two consecutive terms.


  1. Any member of the faculty/staff shall be considered eligible for nomination for any position mentioned in Section 1 of this article, except the Chancellor and the President of the College. Officers may also not be nominated for a third consecutive term in their office.
  2. Elected officers may not serve in more than one office, serve as Senators in the College Senate, nor serve on any of the College Senate committees, except in an ex-officio capacity. Officers must resign such positions upon election.


  1. In the event of a vacancy, temporary or permanent, in the office of President, the Vice-President shall become President. In the event of a similar vacancy in the office of the Vice-President, Recorder, or Parliamentarian, the office shall be filled by vote at a special meeting of the faculty/staff to be held within one month of the occurrence of the vacancy.
  2. Solicitation of nominees to fill vacancies shall be handled by the Nomination Committee. The chair of the Nomination Committee shall conduct the election, with the full committee counting the votes. The election shall be held in the same manner as the most recent election of officers. A plurality of the votes cast shall constitute election of an officer to a position. Ties shall be settled in a random manner determined by the chair of the Nomination Committee with any tiebreaking done in the presence of the candidates and a quorum of the Nomination Committee.
  3. The term of the new officer shall be the unexpired term of the person being replaced.


  1. The duties of the President of the College Senate shall be to preside at all meetings of the College Senate. The President shall be a non-voting, ex-officio member of all committees established by the College Senate. The President shall coordinate the activities of the standing and ad-hoc committees of the College Senate. The President shall also represent the faculty/staff at any time that other faculty/staff representatives have not been designated.
  2. The duties of the Vice-President shall be to replace the President in the event of the President’s absence, resignation, or inability to perform the office of President. The Vice-President shall assist the President in carrying out the duties of the President.
  3. The duties of the Recorder shall be to give notice of meetings, to keep the minutes and records of the meetings with a written report of each meeting furnished to each member of the faculty/staff within two weeks after the meeting. The Recorder shall assist the President in carrying out the duties of the President.
  4. The duties of the Parliamentarian shall be to interpret and advise the President on matters of parliamentary procedure and serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Nomination Committee. The Parliamentarian shall assist the President in carrying out the duties of the President.


  1. Any elected officer may be removed from office at a special meeting of the faculty/staff, called for that purpose by written petition. This petition shall contain the charges against the officer, be signed by Approved 01/24/12, last amended 05.12.20 at least seven Senators, and be presented to all the officers of the College Senate and the President of the College.
  2. The special meeting shall be called by the President of the College within two weeks following receipt of the petition and shall be presided over by the President or any Senator chosen at the discretion of the President.
  3. At the special meeting, the signers of the petition shall present their charges, witnesses, and/or evidence. The challenged officer shall have the right to be heard or represented, and present witnesses and/or evidence in their behalf. D. Following this hearing voting shall proceed by secret ballot. Removal of the officer shall require a two-thirds vote of those voting.


  1. There shall be a University Faculty Senator and a University Faculty Senator Alternate elected to represent the faculty at the meetings and functions of the University Faculty Senate of the State University of New York. Both shall be elected in accordance with Article VII of the Board of Trustees Policies. For the purpose of these elections, the College Faculty shall consist of all members of the Professional Bargaining Unit.
  2. The University Faculty Senator shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the College Senate and a voting member of the Executive Committee. The University Faculty Senator shall report regularly to the College Senate.
  3. The University Faculty Senator Alternate shall serve in place of the University Faculty Senator whenever the University Faculty Senator is unable to fulfill the duties as outlined in these by-laws or the by-laws of the University Faculty Senate. The University Faculty Senator Alternate shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the College Senate.
  4. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for conducting elections for University Faculty Senator and University Faculty Senator Alternate in the same manner as for College Senate officers and in accordance with Article VII, Title B of the Policies of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York.


The College Senate shall meet the first and third Tuesdays of each month of the Fall and Spring semesters, but only on days when classes are in session.


Other meetings may be called by the President of the College, the President of the College Senate, or by a minimum of five Senators. An agenda for such a meeting shall be prepared by whomever calls the meeting and shall be distributed to all members at least one week prior to the meeting.


All meetings of the College Senate shall be open to any member of the faculty/staff including the Chancellor of SUNY and the President of the College. All faculty/staff have a right to speak in response to motions or to be heard in discussions, though voting is left to Senators. Non-members of the faculty/staff may attend and participate at the discretion of the President of the College Senate.

Section 4 – QUORUM

A simple majority of the Senators shall constitute a quorum for a regular or special meeting of the College Senate on all unannounced votes. Senate seats that are currently open, for which there are no current serving Senators, are not counted towards quorum. On all votes announced to the Senators at least two weeks in advance, the number of Senators present shall constitute quorum.


  1. The College Senate may establish appropriate rules, regulations, and procedures for its own operation. The most current version of Roberts' Revised Rules of Order shall be used to govern all meetings unless specifically superseded by these by-laws.
  2. Voting shall be done by a show of hands with a simple majority resulting in approval of any motion. Approval of minutes, however, can be done by a voice vote at the discretion of the President.
  3. A recorded vote can be called by a vote of the majority. Such a vote will be conducted by the parliamentarian by roll call, with each Senator’s vote recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
  4. Proxy voting will be allowed by any Senator unable to be present for a vote that is announced in advance. The proxy vote must be forwarded in written form or via e-mail to the President of the College Senate or the Parliamentarian prior to the meeting during which the announced vote will take place. The Parliamentarian shall announce the proxy votes after all other votes are counted. Proxy votes will not be counted if the pre-announced motion is amended.
  5. At the first meeting of each academic year, the Executive Committee may propose voting criteria different from those laid out in this section which, if approved by a simple majority of the College Senate, may be used during that academic year.


  1. The recommendations of the College Senate shall be presented in written form to the President of the College or to the appropriate college officer. As the main liaison between the College Senate and the college administration, the Chief Academic Officer shall make monthly reports on the status of these recommendations. The President of the College may make a personal appearance before the College Senate to respond to the recommendations.
  2. If it is determined by a majority of Senators that a referendum by written ballot of the faculty/staff should be sought to form the basis of a recommendation to the President, such a poll shall be conducted by the President.
  3. The President may request a referendum by written ballot of the faculty/staff be conducted before the President acts on any recommendation of the College Senate.


  1. The existence of the College Senate shall not preclude the holding of plenary meetings of the faculty/staff.

Actions of the College Senate are subordinate to conflicting actions taken by the faculty/staff as a whole. Any decision or recommendation of the College Senate may be vetoed by two-thirds majority at a plenary meeting of the faculty/staff if the meeting has a quorum of over half of the faculty/staff.


These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the faculty/staff provided written notice of the proposed amendment is given at least two weeks in advance of the meeting. Amendments may be proposed by the College Senate or by any ten faculty/staff members.


Any meeting voting on amendments must have a quorum of at least half of the full-time faculty/staff. Voting shall be by secret ballot with two-thirds vote of those voting serving to pass the amendment.


  1. The standing and ad-hoc committees are the working units of the College Senate. Business for the committees is forwarded to committee chairs by the President of the College Senate or any member of the faculty/staff.
  2. Unless otherwise noted in Article VII, all decisions of the standing and ad-hoc committees of the College Senate must be forwarded to the President of the College Senate as a motion requesting the College Senate to vote for or against an action. The President will place any motion so received on the agenda of business for a vote of the College Senate in a timely manner. The chair or other representatives of the committee making the motion should be present to formally introduce the motion to the College Senate and participate in any discussion of the motion.


  1. By the end of each March, the Nomination Committee shall solicit nominations to replace committee representatives whose terms expire at the end of the academic year. The Nomination Committee shall arrange for elections to occur before the end of each April.
  2. In early September of each year, the Nomination Committee shall solicit nominations for any unfilled seats on the College Senate, College Senate committees, and appropriate campus-wide committees. Elections will be held by the end of the month and shall be held in the same manner as the most recent College Senate election. Any committee member elected as a replacement remains only to the end of the original member’s term.
  3. Following the April elections, each committee will meet at least one more time that academic year to elect officers for the following academic year. A chair and recorder shall be chosen from among, and be selected by, those voting members who are faculty or staff and whose term as committee members extends into the next academic year. A simple majority of the votes will serve to elect committee members to those posts. Each committee chair will forward the results of the elections to the President of College Senate by the end of the academic year.
  4. During the committee selection process it shall be the responsibility of the Nomination Committee and the College Senate officers to gain full representation from all faculty/staff. Members from the Norwich campus and the part-time faculty/staff are entitled to and encouraged to participate on committees.
  5. Student representatives on committees shall be chosen by the Student Government Organization from among students in good academic standing in a manner decided by that organization.
  6. Committee representatives are elected by a plurality of the votes cast. The Nomination Committee shall set procedures for the elections that must be announced one month in advance of the elections. Ties shall be settled in a random manner determined by the chair of the Nomination Committee with any tiebreaking done in the presence of the candidates and a quorum of the Nomination Committee.


  1. As the representatives of the faculty/staff, all committee members should endeavor to be transparent in their discussions and consult with those they represent.
  2. By the beginning of each academic year, the Executive Committee shall publish to the faculty/staff the names of all members and officers of the committees.
  3. By the fifteenth of the months of September, October, November, February, March, and April of each academic year, each committee chair will forward to the Executive Committee a brief summary of the work completed by the committee in the previous thirty days, the business under consideration, and what the committee plans to address in the future. The Executive Committee will publish these summaries for access by the faculty/staff before the regular all-college meeting of that month.
  4. By the end of each academic year, each committee chair will send to the President of the College Senate a report summarizing the committee’s actions for the year including a list of motions forwarded to the College Senate, a list of any other decisions made by the committee, and a list of unfinished business. Committees are encouraged also to forward issues of concern for the next academic year.


  1. The responsibilities of a committee chair are:
    1. To schedule regular meetings as needed to complete committee work.
    2. To inform new committee members at the first meeting of the committee of the rules and procedures used by the committee.
    3. To prepare an agenda and other items of business to be submitted to committee members in advance of committee meetings.
    4. To conduct meetings in accordance with proper parliamentary procedures.
    5. To forward motions based on committee business to the College Senate.
    6. To represent the committee when necessary at meetings of the College Senate.
    7. To present monthly and yearly reports on the activities of the committee as outlined in section 3 of this article.
  1. The responsibilities of the committee recorder are:
    1. To take accurate minutes of each meeting.
    2. To publish minutes to committee members.
    3. To assist the chair in preparation of motions and reports.
    4. To conduct meetings in the absence of the committee chair.


  1. On all committees, a simple majority of the membership with voting rights is required for quorum. Ex-officio members are not voting members of a committee and thus do not count towards quorum.
  2. With quorum, a simple majority of voting members present shall serve to pass motions on to the College Senate. Criteria for votes on other matters shall be set by the committees themselves.


Whenever it is noted in Article VII that a School has a representative on a committee, the term ‘School’ shall refer to the School of Agriculture, Business & Technology and School of Liberal Arts, Science & Society. Faculty/staff from the Library and the Norwich Campus have dedicated seats on some committees and are otherwise eligible for at-large seats.


  1. Purpose: To discuss, study, and make recommendations to the College Senate concerning academic policy in any area, not covered by another College Senate committee. To periodically review academic policies in the Faculty/Staff Handbook.
  2. Composition: eight voting members, two non-voting, ex-officio members

Voting membership shall consist of seven faculty/staff members and one student.

There shall be two members elected by the faculty/staff of each School from among their number.

There shall be two members elected by the faculty/staff at-large from among their number.

There shall be one member elected by the librarians from among their number.

There shall be one student member chosen as determined by the Student Government Organization.

The Chief Academic Officer and the President of the College Senate shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.

  1. Terms of Service: All faculty/staff representatives shall serve three-year terms. The student representative shall serve a one-year term.


  1. Purpose: To oversee the evaluation of nominees for local faculty/staff awards and the SUNY-wide Chancellor's Awards for Excellence. To develop selection procedures for these awards in accordance with SUNY requirements.
  2. Composition: Seven voting members, two non-voting, ex-officio members (*see section D)

Voting membership shall consist of six faculty/staff members and one student.

There shall be one member elected by the faculty/staff of each School from among their number.

There shall be one member elected by the faculty/staff at-large from among their number.

There shall be one member elected by the librarians from among their number.

There shall be one student member chosen as determined by the Student Government Organization.

The Chief Academic Officer and the President of the College Senate shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.

  1. Terms of Service: All faculty/staff representatives shall serve three-year terms. The student representative shall serve a one-year term. Committee members under consideration for an award presented by the committee shall resign from the committee.
  2. Special: The recommendations in regards to the awards made by the Awards Committee are not subject to a vote of the College Senate and the substance of deliberations in these cases are not reported to the College Senate or otherwise published. Only the results are reported to the College Senate and forwarded to the appropriate College office. In reviewing or changing the procedures or standards for awards, however, this committee is subject to the normal decision-making powers of the College Senate and the reporting requirements as laid out in Article VI.

*Additional temporary members shall be appointed to the committee by the President of the College Senate in consultation with the committee chair when reviewing nominations for librarian, adjunct, and professional staff awards as required by SUNY award criteria.


  1. Purpose: To discuss, study, and make recommendations to the College Senate concerning changes to the curriculum including those involving new courses or programs, changes to how courses meet general education requirements, changes to the level of courses (e.g. 100 to 200 level), changes to the number of credit hours, or changes in prerequisites.
  2. The Curriculum Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
    1. To consider and make recommendations to the College Senate concerning policy and procedures regarding the development, alteration, review and approval of undergraduate curricula and programs.
    2. Acting on behalf of the College Senate, consider and approve/disapprove all additions, deletions, and changes to courses with a monthly report to College Senate regarding course approval activities.
  3. Composition: eight voting members, non-voting, two ex-officio members

Voting membership shall consist of seven faculty/staff members and one student.

There shall be one member elected by the faculty/staff of each School from among their number.

There shall be two at-large members elected by the faculty/staff from among their number.

There shall be one member elected by the librarians from among their number.

There shall be one member elected by the faculty/staff at the Norwich campus from among their number.

There shall be one student member chosen as determined by the Student Government Organization.

The Chief Academic Officer and the President of the College Senate shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.

  1. Terms of Service: All faculty/staff representatives shall serve three-year terms. The student representative shall serve a one-year term.


  1. Purpose: To study and review college policies associated with distance education in its various forms and to make recommendations regarding how well information technology and library policies on campus serve teaching and learning. To educate the campus on these policies.
  2. Composition: six voting members, three non-voting, ex-officio members

Voting membership shall consist of five faculty/staff members and one student.

There shall be four at-large members elected by the faculty/staff from among their number, with no more than two members from the same area.

There shall be one member elected by the librarians from among their number.

There shall be one student member chosen as determined by the Student Government Organization.

The Chief Academic Officer, the Director of the Library, and the President of the College Senate shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.

  1.  Terms of Service: All faculty/staff representatives will serve three-year terms.


  1. Purpose: To provide a channel through which any member of the faculty/staff may bring items of interest and/or concern to the attention of the College Senate. To collect all suggestions for agenda items and motions from committees, rank each item by priority, and publish a proposed agenda to the faculty/staff at least one week in advance of College Senate meetings.
  2. Composition: five voting members, one non-voting, ex-officio member

The voting membership shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Recorder, Parliamentarian, and the Faculty Senator.

The Chief Academic Officer shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member.

  1. Terms of Office: The terms of office for committee members shall run concurrently with their elected terms as College Senate officers.


  1. Purpose: To oversee the nomination and election of College Senate officers, representatives, and College Senate standing committee members. To propose procedures and policies governing those elections.
  2. Composition: six voting members and two non-voting, ex-officio members.

Voting membership shall consist of six faculty/staff members.

There shall be one member elected by the faculty/staff of each School from among their number.

There shall be two members elected by the faculty/staff at-large from among their number, with no more than two members from the same area.

The President of the College Senate and the Parliamentarian of the College Senate shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.

  1. Terms of Service: All faculty/staff representatives shall serve three-year terms.


  1. Purpose: To discuss, study, and recommend ways of improving interaction between the Morrisville campus and the Norwich Campus. To make the College Senate and the Student Government Organization aware of important issues at the Norwich Campus.
  2. Composition: six voting members, three non-voting, ex-officio members

Voting membership shall consist of four faculty/staff members and two students.

There shall be two members elected at-large by the faculty/staff at the Morrisville Campus from among their number.

There shall be two members elected at-large by the faculty/staff at the Norwich Campus from among their number.

There shall be one student member chosen as determined by the Student Government Organization from among students in good standing at the Morrisville campus.

There shall be one student member chosen as determined by the Student Government Organization from among students in good standing at the Norwich Campus.

The Chief Academic Officer, Executive Director of the Norwich Campus, and the President of the College Senate shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.

  1. Terms of Service: All faculty/staff members shall serve three-year terms. The student members shall serve a one-year term.


  1. Purpose: To organize and publish opportunities for faculty/staff development on campus. To advise the Provost on sabbatical leaves.
  2. Composition: seven voting members, two non-voting, ex-officio members

Voting membership shall consist of seven faculty/staff members.

There shall be two members elected by the faculty/staff of each School from among their number.

There shall be one member elected by the staff at-large from among their number.

There shall be one member elected by the faculty/staff of the Norwich Campus from among their number.

There shall be one at-large members elected by the faculty/staff from among their number, with no more than two members from the same area.

The Chief Academic Officer and the Vice-President of the College Senate shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.

  1. Terms of Service: All faculty/staff members shall serve three-year terms.


  1. Purpose: To make annual recommendations to the Provost on requests for promotion from faculty based on established criteria. To review continuing appointment recommendations from the Schools and the Library to ensure consistent application of the established criteria and to affirm the consistency of the process.
  2. Composition: seven voting members, two non-voting, ex-officio members

Voting membership shall consist of seven faculty members.

There shall be two representatives elected by the faculty of each School from among their number holding the rank of full professor.

There shall be two representatives elected by the faculty at-large from among their number holding continuing appointments, with no more than two faculty from the same School serving on the committee.

There shall be one member elected by the librarians from among their number holding continuing appointment.

The Chief Academic Officer and the President of the College Senate shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.

  1. Terms of Office: All elected members shall serve three-year terms. No faculty member can serve on this committee concurrently with service on any School Review Committee. Any member of the committee applying for promotion before this committee must resign their membership on the committee.
  2. Special: The recommendations in regards to continuing appointment or promotion made by the Committee are not subject to a vote of the College Senate and the substance of deliberations in these cases are not reported to the College Senate or otherwise published. The results of the committee’s deliberations are forwarded to the Office of the Provost. The committee chair is still responsible for reporting on the general activities of the committee to the College Senate as outlined in Article VI.

Section 10 - Social Justice and Transformative Practice Committee

1. Purpose: The work of the committee shall be broad and focused as well as practical and inspirational. It will work to support an inclusive faculty, staff, and student body, campus and community environment.

In pursuit of social justice, the committee will examine the foundational practices and the systems in place and will actively search for evidence of abuses of power, inequality and inequity, and bias and discrimination on campus and within the community by examining hiring practices, teaching practices, administrative practices, and other policies and practices that lead to discriminatory outcomes.

In pursuit of transformative practice, the committee will report out on abuses, inequities and biases and work with (when applicable) the College Senate, College Senate Committees, administration, union representatives, faculty and staff, students, and community members to create, support, and promote policies, pedagogies, and practices that are anti-racist and deeply rooted in an authentic commitment to justice for all.


  1. Purpose: To serve in an advisory capacity to the College Senate on matters involved with the betterment of student campus life.
  2. Composition: seven voting members, two non-voting, ex-officio members

Voting membership shall consist of six faculty/staff members and one student.

There shall be one member elected by the faculty/staff of each School from among their number.

There shall be two members elected at-large by the faculty/staff from among their number.

There shall be one representative of the professional Student Services staff, as defined in Article II, Section 2C, elected from among their number.

There shall be one student member chosen as determined by the Student Government Organization.

The Dean of Students and the President of the College Senate shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members.

  1.  Terms of Service: All faculty/staff representatives shall serve three-year terms. The student representative shall serve a one-year term.


  1. Ad-hoc committees can be formed at the recommendation of the Executive Committee and with the approval of the College Senate, with members appointed by the President of the College Senate.
  2. The committee shall be charged with a clear task and report its recommendations to College Senate for a vote or other appropriate action. Reporting requirements in Article VI also apply.


Any ad-hoc committee not formally discharged from its duties shall be automatically discharged at the beginning of the academic year following the one in which it was formed.

Nothing contained in these by-laws shall be construed to prevent the President of the College from appointing such administrative committees as the President sees fit, nor shall anything in these by-laws be construed to prevent the President of the College from calling on the Executive Committee to help in the appointment or election of such committees.
